Monday, February 23, 2009

Psalm 64

1. A song poem by David for the permanent collection. Listen to my problem, Lord.

Keep me from being terrorized by those who hate me. 2 – 3 Don’t let me become the focus of unjust courts, who wound, cause pain and even destroy with their sharp, acrid words. 4 – 6 They intensely accuse anybody (with no respect for truth) and urge each other on to add something even worse, for they think no one hears or sees their unjust plots hidden deep in their hearts.

7 – 9 But God will surprise them. What they devised against others will so suddenly happen to them that they will get beat up. Everyone watching will back off in astonishment as they see how God handled the situation. They will respect Him as they tell others what happened.

10 Those who are honest in heart will rejoice in the Lord and continue to trust Him, thus revealing in their own lives what God is really like.

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