Saturday, February 14, 2009

Psalm 63

1 – 2 A poem song written by David while he was in the countryside of Judah. God, You are awesome. Each morning I intensely long to be with You so I can experience Your powerful abundance and my delight in being so close to You. 3 I experience joy when I am with You because Your benevolent love is more precious than anything else. 4 I reverently ask Your blessing on me as I celebrate how wonderful You really are. 5 I am being so filled with Your best blessings that I will let Your joy shine through me to others in words and acts. 6 As I think about you, even at night when I am resting, poems and songs come to my mind. 7 – 8 Since You are my help I rejoice to stay so close to You it is like I am holding Your hand. 9 - 10 Those who are trying to ruin me will fall by other’s doings and will eventually be buried. 11 As a leader I will rejoice in the Mighty God along with everyone else who has accepted a love based covenant relation with You, God. Those who continue to talk what does not come from God will eventually be ‘shut up’.

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