Thursday, July 17, 2008

Psalm 90

A prayer hymn written by Moses, a man who loved God.
1 - 2. Sovereign Creator, You are the source of life for everyone on earth. Even before this earth was created You were God, are God and always will be God.
3. - 4. People on this earth get crushed, they crumble and die even as you call to them to return to You. But each generation is a sad repetition of the previous one.
5. - 6. First people grow quickly and flourish like fresh, green grass. But by the end of their lives, like cut grass, they wither in shame, confusion and disappointment.
7. - 9. We try hard to prepare for You, but as You draw near to reveal more of Your passionate love to us, we are afraid we will die as we realize that everything about us - including all our guilty secrets - You see clearly as another sad story.
10. You gave us a full life and at times have even lengthened it. Yet we get proud or depressed, chose wrong or in other ways waste our lives, until we finally die.
11. Does anyone have any real idea how much You intensely love us? Does anyone really know what it means to truly reverence You in gratitude for Your love - life?
12. Harmonize us with You so Your wisdom will flow into our hearts
13. Creator God, how long will it take to come back to us. Enable us to know Your sorrow for and compassion to those who have loved You in return for Your love.
14. Fill us each morning with love we don't deserve so we can shout in triumph that You love to be with us and in experiencing Your love our whole day will brighten.
15. Make us to comprehend that You love to be with us which will counteract the lie we believed that you were against us.
16. - 17. Show us what You are really like so we can share it with our families. Let Your delightful love fill us so we can reveal who You really are through our lives.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Psalm 86

1. An intercessory prayer written by David. Look at me Lord so I perceive that You hear me better. Please pay attention to me. I feel depressed and destitute, yet I yield myself to You. 2. I am trying to be like You so protect me, Supreme God. Be open to help me for I'm sure You are my only help. 3. Be kind to me, my Sovereign, for I am coming to You all of the time. 4. Give me JOY for I come to You with my life. 5. You, Lord, are good, ready to pardon and are sparing me. You are full of kindness to everyone who comes to You. 6. Listen, Lord, to my request as I speak to you my earnest prayer. 7. When I am having a hard time with others, I please give me Your answer. 8. There is no one else who is like You and who can do what You can do. 9 - 10. Everyone will eventually bow before you and agree that You really are Sovereign and Supreme. 11. Teach me now how You want me to be and live so I am at-one in Your will. 12. I raise my hands in worship to You, Supreme God as a symbol that I am completely Yours. I will honor and respect Your authority from now on.13. You have been so kind to me and have delivered me from eternal death. 14. Those who don't honor you are trying to get me to turn against You like they are, 15 -16. but You, my Sovereign Lord, have come along side me with Your passion and have chosen to reveal to me Your beauty as well as Your stability. Let me experience Your kindness and trustworthiness as You give me Your saving strength.

17. Give me a token of evidence You delight in me so those who hate me will be disappointed because You have protected and comforted me.