Listen carefully to what I am about to share. Everyone, no matter what their race, creed, economic status or educational level, needs to understand what I have thought about it and will share, for it is very appropriate. Listen as I sing, accompanied with a string instrument.
Why should I become fearful when times get bad, even when consequences of my own wrong choices and actions 'catch up' with me? Some believe wealth can buy them out of ‘trouble’. But money can’t ‘save’ a person. You can’t ‘buy’ out God to free yourself, or anyone else, from condemnation. (But isn’t it also awesome that a full ransom has already been paid for each human being.)
Everyone, whether they are wise or foolish, rich or poor, when they die they leave everything behind.
They may even have named their property after themselves, but they still die, just like animals. It is really foolish, but those who live on try to keep their loved one’s memory alive. (meditate on that more) But the truth is, when they die they are put into a grave and deteriorate back to ‘dust’. Those who are still alive go on with their lives and eventually do forget about those who die. But God will cut me free from death’s power and will give back to me His life. (meditate on that more)
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