Thursday, November 8, 2007

Psalm 31

1-2. Written by David for the permanent music collection. My Creator, I flee to You for protection; don't disappoint me. Listen carefully to me because of how good You really are and then quickly snatch me away, enabling me to escape. Be my fortified, enclosed refuge and stay close beside me to keep me - your family - safe.
3. Because of who You really are - Your authority, and staying right with me as my fortress - guide, sustain and protect me.
4. As my Defense, drive away all who have secretly controlled me, and set me free from them.
5. I give You complete control of my life, for You, Almighty, all powerful God, have saved and preserved me.
6. I hate those who dwell upon what is fictional, useless, evil and leads astray from You, but I am sure that the Creator God takes care of me.
7 - 8. I will dance with intense joy because of how kind You have been to me. You saw how depressed I was and how tightly others crowded me, but You didn't let those who have been so hostile toward me have control of my life. Instead You stood me up and enabled me to view life from the much broader perspective of Your freedom.
9. Stoop in kindness to me, O Lord, especially in my cramped, distressing situation. I have cried so much over what has been troubling me that my eyes feel dry, my stomach hurts and even my bones ache.
10. My whole life seems to be about over because of this intense stress - my vitality and energy are gone; even my bones have shrunk due to this stress.
11. Even those who didn't like me were embarrassed about me but particularly those who lived around me were afraid of what I might do and didn't want to be around me.
12. People have forgotten me as though I were someone who was already dead - like a broken dish that has been thrown away and forgotten.
13. I heard many evil reports coming from numerous sources, while at the same time plans were even being laid to kill me.
14 - 15. I responded by running to the Lord for refuge. I said to Him: You are my God. You are in charge of my life. Snatch me away from those who are hostile toward me and from those who are hunting me down.
16. Let me see You smiling at me, Lord. Help me because of how kind You are.
17. Don't disappoint me, O Self-Existent One, for I address You by Your name. Do let those who have wrongly disturbed be disappointed; let them become silent in death.
18. Let those who have lied and cheated be silenced. They have spoken shamelessly, scornfully and with contempt and arrogance. They have been mean, despicable and with no respect at all for those who are right.
19. You have the best, most wonderful goodness and joy for those who reverently submit to You. You have already shared some of it with those who confide in You and who run to You for protection.
20. By Your encircling presence You will hide them when people try to trap them with words. You will protect them (as though they were in Your temple) from the arguments and false charges brought against them.
21. I kneel towards the Creator in awe as He reveals to me more of His marvelous, beautiful character which is surrounding me as a guarded protection.
22. In frustration I hastily said, "God isn't listening to me anymore." But You did hear me when I earnestly cried to You for help.
23. Let your affections go out to the Creator, all of you who choose His will. The Lord guards and protects those who choose to belong to Him and makes a covenant of peace with those who accomplish His will to the best of their ability.
24. Everyone who is waiting patiently on the Lord, fasten your heart and thoughts on God's will for you and He will give you the power of His love.

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